Often, black and white photos take a backseat. At least for me, that's the case. Not today! This beautiful Monday I'm challenging you to scrap at least one black and white photo. My eldest daughter is into black and white photos right now and I thought why not use one of hers for my layout? :) Why not indeed.
I haven't done this much layering in a while and it was so fun. I should layer more, I think! :) Those awesome papers from our Treasure Map collection are just perfect for me. They work for simple, graphic layout and are still amazing to use for a heavily layered layout like this one.
I also used quite a lot of bits and pieces from older collections. Namely Daily Flash All Boy Double Take Stickers, Daily Flash Snapshots Snap Caps, Daily Flash Milk Money Memory Cards and Daily Flash Girl Talk Flash Blurbs. Can you spot them all?
The chipboard arrows, oh the chipboard arrows. . . I don't know what I'm gonna do without them. I can't stop using them but at the same time I don't want to run out! Love them so! Do you have one pack of embellishment that you love like I do the chipboard arrows (and hearts &stars too)?!
To finish my layout, I added yellow machine-stitching, and a sprinkling of colors, as usual. I love that the machine stitching and the splatters are part of my routine to signify the completion of a layout. I like the feeling of 'being done' if you know what I mean! :)
I look forward to see your take on this black and white challenge. If you do, @sashafarina on Instagram, feel free to tag me when/if you upload your layout. I usually post sneaks and my layouts with #octoberafternoon in the description. You can also share your creations with us via the October Afternoon Flickr Gallery.
Happy scrapping!