Accents are sort of like potato chips: you can't stop at just one. This week's inspiration piece proves it.
I drew from the idea of a cluster of badges forming a kind of network, and followed suit on my layout, which features an interconnected mix of buttons and tin pins from October Afternoon.
Given that the page celebrates my husband's fortieth birthday and includes a photo of the forty candles on his cake, it was only right to include forty acccents in the form of multi-colored buttons and various tin pins from past and present collections. The happy face tin pin, for instance, comes from the Schoolhouse collection (one of my all-time favorite OA collections) while the "DUDE." tin pin comes from the more recent Daily Flash All Boy collection. Some of the buttons date back to the Modern Homemaker collection, while others are from the new Public Library collection.
They all keep company so well together, don't you think? Like the years they represent, each one is a treasure in its own way.
The colors of the accents are repeated elsewhere on the layout, as in the journaling block, the patterned papers, and the stamped title block (where I put to use the number stamps from the 2013 Very Merry December kit -- they aren't just for Christmas, people!). All in all, the layout captures the fact that "the big 4-0" need not be associated with the color black and "over the hill" jokes -- it is an age at which life can be more colorful than ever.
If you're feeling like dipping into your button stash and/or using some of those tin pins (instead of just admiring them in the packaging, as I have been doing for too long), I'd love to see how you riff on this week's inspiration piece. Be sure to share your work in the October Afternoon Flickr gallery, and leave me a link below in the comments.
Thanks for visiting today!
-- Jill