It's May 5, and while some are celebrating Cinco de Mayo, and others are celebrating Children's Day, Roree and I have decided to celebrate the day with a 5/5 challenge. Here's the idea: of the five combinations below, choose two to create your own 5/5 project.
- a list with five items
- five photos
- five accents from the same sheet or package
- five stamped images
- five different patterns
Roree opted to use five accents from the same sheet of Stars & Hearts chipboard along with five different patterned papers, including a few from the Daily Flash Girl Talk collection.
Don't you love the way she uses the hearts here to create petals? Roree has such a gift for figuring out creative ways to use items. She's so imaginative!
As for me, I attempted the 5/5 challenge by using five photos, behind which I arranged a row of five different patterns. Since two of the patterned papers featured diagonal stripes, I decided to throw in an extra polka dotted pattern, ensuring that I had five distinct patterns on the layout.
This layout was a kick to put together. Recently, my daughter and I walked in on the cat getting up to some mischief, and when she realized that she was being watched, she tried to play it off as if she was just going about her ordinary business, but that plan didn't quite work out for her. I had fun putting a "voice" to the photos with some help from a few die-cut Flash Blurbs speech bubbles.
We'd love it if you would play along with this week's challenge! Be sure to link us up to your project in the comment thread below, or you can post your project in the October Afternoon Flickr gallery.
Happy 5/5!
-- Jill