Is it Monday again already?! Welcome to another Monday Challenge--Holiday version ;) Lexi here with you today and the idea for this week came to mind as I was looking at all the pretty packaging this time of year. While noticing some fun designs on bags from stores (think Trader Joe's, Starbucks, etc.) I thought...why not a bag challenge? That's right--let's add some kind of bag to our projects!
Dani joined me for the challenge and here are her creations, which are nothing short of beautiful.
She created these sweet tags using Very Merry stamps, glassine bags and Holiday Style. The glassine bags give off the perfect frosty look for this time of year. Who wouldn't love to receive this package Christmas morning?
Although this isn't terribly holiday-ish, I loved how that striped brown paper bag looked with bits from Farmhouse, Sasparilla & Sidewalks collections. It almost looks like the leaves are falling out of it. I used my vintgae typewriter to add the journaling before gluing it down.
The Farmhouse tin pin helped highlight his age on the number strip, while the tickets from the Sidewalks miscellany make a perfect border.
This is a page from a current December mini I am making, in which the background is a glassine bag. I just cut it down in size to fit the book. Because the picture was about the night we decorated our tree I filled it with sequins and punched snowflakes before sewing it shut. The chipboard tree is from the Holiday Style miscellany pack and was sprayed with Boarding Pass sprinkler.
Can you see the bag part of the project here?
Yep, it's from a Starbucks bag last year that I saved. The white text on the brown bag was perfect for a card. I simply trimmed it down to size, sprayed on some Paper Doily sprinkler and sewed it down before layering on Holiday Style goodies.
So, how about you . Have you seen any cool bags this year? Why not save one and give this challenge a try? Load them up in the October Afternoon Flickr gallery so we can admire them! Enjoy your holiday season and have a merry day!